Human Hair vs Synthetic; is Virgin Hair Really Worth it?

You’d probably agree that the battle between human hair versus synthetic is one that has lasted into the ages. And there’s no denying it- artificial hair has its perks, especially for those of us on a budget (nod if you agree lol). So why is virgin hair more recommended? And is it true that in the long run, buying synthetic hair might not actually be as cost-effective as it sounds? Growing up, I wanted to experiment with different hairstyles, as you do. Braids and cornrows were great, and still are, but I also craved the effortless, grown-up look that hair extensions brought. Synthetic hair extensions did that for me. I could look elegant and somewhat mysterious going to school without breaking my mum’s bank lol. And I could do different hairstyles with them just like with my natural hair, but in less time and with more volume and sleekness, which made my life a lot easier. Synthetic hair offered me the flexibility of style and natural look I was looking for. Added to that is the fact that it hardly time-consuming to have installed and it was affordable, and we have a winner. But of course, it had it’s downsides. I found that very early on I experienced problems with tangling, and the longer and more voluminous the hair, the more stressful. So after the newness had worn off, I found myself constantly changing the hair every 3 weeks or so, which wasn’t ideal. The tangling also made it almost impossible to wash, so in the end the hair would need to be changed anyway so there weren’t any funny smells. And although shorter hair made things easier, the universal problem remained; being synthetic, the quality wasn’t the best which meant that before long it lost its original shine and naturalness, giving it a lacklustre appearance. Don’t get me wrong- artificial hair extensions were great and served their purpose- in the short term. What I needed was a more long-term solution. Human hair was costly, and time-consuming to install. But after giving it a go and investing in my first one, I found that the pros far outweighed the cons, and I have not looked back since. Firstly, the quality of the hair astounded me (it literally lived up to its name) and to my relief, it was tangle-free. This also meant that you could wash it without any hassle, albeit not too frequently, which helps to maintain it. Also because of its close resemblance with human hair and mimicry of the hairline, it looked so much more natural and seamless. And last but not least, it was very durable. Needless to say, provided that the hair is sourced from a reputable supplier, virgin hair extensions can last for about a year or more with proper care and maintenance. But you might be thinking: “Well that’s all well and good, but surely synthetic hair is the more cost-effective option?” Well as an example, say you purchased a pack of synthetic hair bundles for £30.00 or so. At best you may be able to keep it in good shape for 3 months at a stretch. So assuming you bought a bundle every 3 months, you may be looking at £120 altogether. You may likely get a good quality human hair bundle for say £80.00, but you’ll likely find that with good care, it can last you up to a year or maybe more. So in the long-run, you’re saving money, and who doesn’t need to in this current climate? Also, I think we can agree that price is not the only determiner in cost-effectiveness. The quality, durability and reusability of the hair could equally play a major role in helping you decide whether or not to splash the cash. So back to the question at the outset: is virgin hair really worth it? I’ll leave you to decide. But in the meantime, why not browse through our products and see if a purchase is knocking on your door today?

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